The holidays is also about eating some awesome foo…

The holidays is also about eating some awesome foo…

The holidays is also about eating some awesome foods and on Day 22, we go to @laclocheafromage to eat RACLETTE. 🤤

I have been sharing images of raclette throughout the last week and I’ve received SO many questions about this famous dish. While the raclette machine in this video is a more traditional style, there’s home raclette machines that are super fun and easy to use. 🧀

This is a fantastic party idea because it requires almost no cooking on the host’s behalf (just boiling some potatoes in advance!). And it’s loads of fun for everyone. I have also seen other steamed or boiled veg like carrots, cabbage… really, if you want to put melted cheese on it, then RACLETTE IT!! 😂

Enjoy this visit to the famous @laclocheafromage and TIP: book your table as far in advance as possible! I barely got in and requested my RDV a month ago.

Bisous and big hugs from Strasbourg, France,


🇫🇷 France 🇫🇷, forever.

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