TRAVEL TIPS: How to Prepare for a Day Trip in France.

TRAVEL TIPS: How to Prepare for a Day Trip in France.

TRAVEL TIPS: How to Prepare for a Day Trip in France.


If you have been around here for a while, you know that I am a big advocate of slow travel. But, let’s face it - we just don’t always have the time or money for extended stays in a single location.

In today’s post, I will share a few travel tips to make the most of your quick excursions in France. I am writing this from the perspective of taking a day trip from Paris.

And if there is one takeaway from this post, preparation is key. So, hit the save button (the little ribbon icon) or share with a friend who is about to travel to France. This is a great checklist!

1 - Food. Pack for what makes your stomach happy, don’t use this day to try out new things that’ll keep you close to the restroom. If you are trying to make the most of your day, consider prepping a selection of snacks and picnic items so you aren’t “wasting” time with those two-hour French lunches or rushing around the train station for fast food.

TIP - If you have a mini fridge in your hotel, hit up the neighborhood grocery the night before. Grab some fresh fruit, a harder cheese like Comté, charcuterie, and light snacks.

2 - Water. Staying hydrated is vital. Keep your energy levels high and your body healthy.

TIP - Prepare the night before by searching for “toilettes” (toilets), “wc” (water closet, aka toilet), “mairie” (mayor’s office or town hall), and “bureau tourisme” (tourism office) on your fav map application. All of these places will have public toilets. Save these locations, so you know where they’re at before you leave.

3 - Weather. I have found that the weather in France can change quickly. I always check my weather app the night before AND again in the morning - sometimes, the forecast changes overnight. Bringing an umbrella is always a good idea if you are here in the rainy season.

TIP - I love the app Trainline for booking & managing my train travels. Also, be sure to monitor for possible strikes & French holidays. Bon voyage, darlings!

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