This is a side of Dinard most don’t see. Everyone …

This is a side of Dinard most don’t see. Everyone …

This is a side of Dinard most don’t see. Everyone flocks to the beaches, and I find the port just as lovely. In this video, you’ll see one of the terraces of the magnificent @castelbrac hotel. Take note of the small ferry coming in – that’s the @compagniecorsaire boat that connects passengers from infamous #saintmalo to #dinard .

Eight euros and a quick ten-minute ride are all it takes to visit a whole other world along the #cotesemeraude ! And with a direct train from #Paris to Saint-Malo, you too can see this extraordinary ville.

Coined #cannes of the North, this beauty gleams with stunning villas and hosts an annual film festival. A statue of #alfredhitchcock , with requisite seagulls, overlooks the primary plage year round.

As the decline of Covid continues, the number of new businesses continues to grow here. The latest restaurants, stores, galleries, and boutiques bring life and vibrancy to Dinard that I haven’t known since moving to #bretagne . It feels like a posh Paris #marais on the coast.

Take a moment, if you can, to wander the streets around centre ville. The exquisite mansions, many still private, are stunning to view. Your mind starts to wander as you see a wisp of a breeze move a linen curtain in the window, revealing a beautiful piece of artwork, a bookcase, a piano.

You can always tell the houses that remained intact (not broken up into apartments or hotels) and continue to have full-time residents. They have a beauty, an air of being lived in and loved – not by new money, but generations who have shared the same salt air. Their shutters might be a bit tattered, the paint a bit worn. But knowing the price of local real estate and their annual taxes, I privately champion them and cheer future generations on.

Protect the heritage! And the memories trapped between layers of lead paint & old pipes. Work to keep her roof and your family history solid.

And don’t give up when there’s a storm – even when the paint peels, she’s there to keep you & yours safe. 🥰


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