For those who have been here for a while, you will know that...

For those who have been here for a while, you will know that...

Thanks to @gourmetadventurestravel and @artfinderaustralia for your questions yesterday about moving to France.

For those who have been here for a while, you will know that:

° I recently posted a poll collecting your questions about moving & living in France, and I am slowly rolling out a series dedicated to that topic.

° And for those who have been here for a LONG time (🙌 for the TFL lifers!), you likely know that I was a French real estate agent for a VERY short time.

During the height of Covid, my work visa was up for renewal, and *everything* in the world seemed so uncertain. I was terrified that the government would decide not to renew visas, so I got my French RE license to bolster my dossier.

This idea wasn't such a far stretch for me - before I owned my PR & marketing agency in the States, I was in corporate marketing for some of the largest banks in the US, with a focus on the mortgage lending division & their regulations.

It took just ONE sale here in France to realize, pandemic or not, this definitely was not the path for me. Thankfully, the prefecture didn't need the extra proof of work for my approval.

There is no one direct or defined path for anyone in life, let alone one lived in another culture and country than your origin.

Offering advice on home buying in France is challenging, especially as I am not a professional in such matters - the topic is extraordinarily complicated.

But I will do my best to continue to share my honest experiences & be as transparent as possible as an American immigrant navigating This French Life.

I share tourism & travel tips, stories, and topics about living and moving to France on this channel. Other days, I share French lifestyle posts, ideally with a theme or topic you can implement in your life.

I do my best to squeeze it all in the 2K character limit in each Insta post. 😅

Would you like more long-form content on my blog or YouTube? Share your thoughts about today's post in the comments below!
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